It is funny how some memories are closely tied and linked with specific places! For me, when there is any mention of movie theater, my mind and senses directly wander to caramel popcorn. The sense is so strong that Caramel Popcorn’s lovely smell and aroma fill me up!
Sometimes, I believe that my love for the movie theater stems from my love to caramel popcorn. I cannot remember a single time when I went to the theater without getting some caramel popcorn. And, I think that this love relationship with caramel popcorn is a widely shared love affair, for when I go to the movies I notice that most, if not all, buy it, especially the children.
Two years ago, just before mother’s day, my younger daughter kept telling me that this year she has a very special mother’s day gift! Each day she kept repeating “my gift this year, will blow your mind away! it will just blow it away!!”
On mother’s day she presented me with a cook book they prepared at school. The teacher had asked the kids to bring (from their mother) their favorite recipe. She collected the recipes and printed a cookbook for the kids to present to their mothers. One of the recipes was for caramel popcorn.
The minute I opened my present, my daughter insisted I open a specific page, which was the recipe for caramel popcorn. Before that day,I never thought of preparing caramel popcorn at home, but mother’s day of 2011 was a new start, for starting that day my sweet Mariana will ask me every morning “Mom, when will you prepare caramel popcorn?”
Soon afterwards, I prepared caramel popcorn at home and discovered how easy it was. Now, I prepare it frequently for it is the best movie companion. The only flaw of caramel popcorn……. it is addictive!